Workflows are illu's unique way of digitizing work processes. Learn more about workflows here.

What is a workflow?

Workflows are any series of steps that need to be completed, and track whether the specific processes necessary for a job are completed. Organizations can create or upload their standard workflows, which are then available to be linked to any job created by any user of the organization. Each job can have as few as 0 workflows, up to an unlimited number of workflows.

Example of workflows assigned in a job. Each flow contains steps for the user to follow.

Example of workflows assigned in a job. Each flow contains steps for the user to follow.

Each workflow is made up of a number of steps, each shown as a swipeable card. A step can be one of the following types:

A workflow is marked as done when all steps within it are complete.

A step in a flow is formatted into one card.

A step in a flow is formatted into one card.

How to create new workflow templates?

During onboarding, your illu Customer Success Manager will help your organization set up standard workflow templates for processes such as preventative maintenance, standard troubleshooting, and surveying. Please reach out to your illu Customer Success Manager to set up a workflow customization session to start this process or contact us at [email protected].